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Saturday 17 August 2013

Control: A Christian lifestyle

The Encarta dictionary defines control
as the ability to "exercise power or
authority over something...". And
Jesus shortly before leaving for Glory
said, "... All Authority is given to me in Heaven and Earth" (Matt 28:18, NKJV). Jesus has bequeathed this authority to us as His Sons in glory. So, God wants us to have control over every facet of our lives- spiritual, career, mental, financial and more. Jesus was a man in charge of everything. He was a master of situations and circumstances. He had such mastery that even when He was taken to the edge of the cliff to be thrown off it, He calmly walked out from amongst His aggressors without lifting a hand against them. And they could do nothing! No wonder the Baptist said of Jesus, " He that cometh from above is above all.." (John 3:31). Likewise, we are citizens of Heaven and ought to exercise such mastery over the vicissitudes of life....

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